Welcome to the Project Library

You'll find a wide range of projects. Click a project title below to learn more and enjoy!

After Effects Animations

Turn up your volume to hear the audio!

Click a project title below to learn more.

1. Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum Animated Promotion2. Grand Old Opry VR Experience3. Interactive Poster4. Logo Animation

Print Design

Illustrations, hand-made book binding, magazine spreads, and more.

Click a project title below to learn more.

1. Playing for Change Sustainability Report 20222. "Why Do We Dream?" Article Spread with Informational Design3. "Wanted Dead of Alive: The Burmese Python" Informational Poster

Brand Identity

From logos and and illustrations to
advertising and merchandising.

Click a project title below to learn more.

1. Free Rein Music Co-op2. Caitlin Fernandez Music


From standing out on the shelf to standing out on the door step.

Click a project title to learn more.

1. 7" Vinyl Sleeves2. Victory Tears Energy Drink3. Ojo Illumination Contact Solution

Interactive Design

Apps, websites, and UX/UI.

Click a project title to learn more.

1. PEREGRINO App2. "Dolly Parton: A Living Legend" Story Site3. The Songbird's Shop Ecommerce Site4. InkBud App